Home Uncategorized 3x More Food Production by using Smart Data in Agriculture – Waterwatch...

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By 2050 our planet will be home to 9,9 billion people, which requires a 70% increase of our food production to feed this larger, more urban and richer population. The WaterWatch Cooperative aims to make essential information services for AgriFood accessible and affordable to all actors in the value chain. For example, local farmers are now enabled with smart data to gain three times more production with the use of less water! Ad Bastiaansen started the WaterWatch Cooperative and, as the unpaid ambassador for 5 years now, I ask him the hard questions: Where are we now after 5 years? Did we accomplish enough? And what will happen in the coming next 5 years?

I also talked to Herman Wijffels, also an ambassador of the Waterwatch cooperative. We became ambassadors because we believed in the project of making smart data available to local farmers at super low costs in order to increase productivity. Are we happy about the results which have been accomplished? And what do we think will happen in the next five years?

More info about the Waterwatch Cooperative:

–  Vincent Everts, Dutch trendwatcher in the field of digital innovation | More about Vincent Everts


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