Home Uncategorized Report: Estonia Health is 6% of BNP and is digitally very advanced!

Back from Finland and Estonia health care innovation visit. What a difference! In the Netherlands we have a great complex system which cost €5800/pp per year (14% GNP), has great cure (1st line and hospitals) and decent long term care. In Finland they spend €3800/pp/py (8% GNP) with great cure and so so care and in Estonia they have a smooth digitale organised efficient system which cost <€1000/pp/py of 6.6% of GNP but with very little care.

How is the digital society with a single user login which seems to be secure and used everywhere organised?

En how is the Estonian Health care system organised? What E-health services are there? Why is it so efficient and effective? What are the challenges of the system? How good are they? 6 x less spending then the Netherlands? What can we learn?

Pritt Alamäo is the CEO of Nortal with 500+ people who build 1/3  of the Estonian health care system. What drove the development? Why did it succed? What do other countries need to do to make it work? What other countries are transforming there system at the moment?


Madi Iik was the CEO of the E-health foundation and build the national EPD. What did it cost (€10M!), how long? (5Yr!) how was it organised, what does the system do and what not?


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