Home english Tesla Q2, Hackathon India, Obama Science & Technology Advisor on Climate Change...

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 Another newsletter from Nantucket (US)! Tesla’s Q2 numbers came out: Elon Musk apologized for bad banners and came with new “promises”, the Model 3 is now the best selling sedan in America and stock went up 9%!

MoveHack Hackathon

If you have a great idea: stop having vacation! In India everything moves fast. Last week was decided there will be a fantastic hackathon on mobility MOVEHACK organized by the governments of India and Singapore in August and September. It’s all about teams who come up with smart solutions for smart cities, smart traffic, AI usage and solving very complex data problems. If you want to participate you have to act NOW! Selected will fly to Singapore and India, expenses paid, and get a chance to improve and pitch their idea, win amazing prizes and see their idea become a reality in smart cities across India! Submit your team and idea before Aug 14th!

Obama Science & Technology Advisor on Climate Change

John Holdren is a super interesting man and was Obama’s Science & Technology Advisor and gave a very interesting presentation in Nantucket. In part 1 of the interview he talks about Climate Change and what will happen if we don’t act. A very scary story about the current state of the world.

New Financial Crisis?

I met William Cohan, tv personality & former trader on Wall Street (for 17 years!), who is now also a bestselling author. He wrote the book “Why Wall Street Matters” and we talked about the four factors that will make a financial crisis happen again. He has an alarming message!

Tesla Autopilot Rechtszaak

 Vorig jaar kreeg ik twee boetes omdat ik tijdens Tesla Autopilot mijn telefoon in handen had. Ik reed rustig, kalm en keurig recht. Wanneer veranderd deze regel? Ik maak hier bezwaar tegen omdat de auto reed en ik toezicht hield, net als een rij instructeur. Kom op donderdag 13 september om 9.30 voor de rechtszaak naar Rechtbank Utrecht waar we ons verhaal doen!

Wie is Marietje Schaake?

Marietje Schaake is kandidaat lijsttrekker voor D66 in het Europees Parlement. Ze heeft veel in de VS gewerkt en is nu Europarlementariër. Wie is Marietje en wat drijft haar? Ik interviewde haar en ga haar de komende tijd volgen!

–  Vincent Everts, Dutch trendwatcher in the field of digital innovation | More about Vincent Everts


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