Home Uncategorized Update from Nantucket: Segway Shoes, Enlightment Now, Blockchain in Corporates and Circular...

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This week’s update is from Nantucket, where the richest 0.1% of the USA hangs out. Tommy Hilfiger on my left and Eric Schmidt on my right! I’ve had a great discussion about Trump with some Republicans.

In the USA I’m working on BIC19. I’m looking for incredible blockchain speakers and insights and I could use your help and suggestions for what you want to see in a coming blockchain conferenceLet me know!

I used to have a love affair with the Segway and now they’re also available as a pair of shoes! Casey Neistat has tested them in New York. I would not use it myself but it looks fun!

Time for something optimistic! I am reading Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress by Steven Pinker about how the world has become so much better: how long we live, less wars, how much education and every other aspect of life! I can recommend it to everyone, but if you don’t want to read you can always watch his TED Talk on this topic! You’ll feel much better about the world!

The blockchain industry is evolving and many ask what is really going on in corporate IT and board rooms. Bart Mellink of Gartner explains this in his talk where he discusses what IT departments currently think of and do with blockchain. He also shares some interesting insights and statistics about the industry!

In New York I met with Jan Raes from the ABN Amro. Jan gave a talk at the UN here in New York about the Circular Economy Finance Guidelines that has just been launched by three big Dutch banks. Jan tells me more about these guidelines and how they want to make it the world standard in the circular economy.

I also met with Alexy Khrabrov, a serial conference organiser based in the San Francisco Bay Area, who organises a variety of conferences in fintech, AI, self driving cars, big data and blockchain. He shares his learnings and perspectives concerning organizing conferences and this variety of subjects.

 In Nederland maken ruim één miljoen mensen gebruik van de trein op een normale werkdag. Hoe wordt de veiligheid van het spoor voor ons gegarandeerd? En hoe kunnen Artificial Intelligence & Big Data dat verbeteren? Ik sprak met Huub van den Broek van CQM die mij uitlegde over hun award winning project van automatische spoorinspectie d.m.v. Big Data & AI.


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